artista visual - visual artist
Virgilio Neves
Bio in English

Virgilio Neves is a visual artist who works in São Paulo. He has a bachelor's degree in Communications and Arts (USP) and a master's degree in Art Theory (UNESP). During his career, he participated in individual and collective exhibitions in Brazil, in projects in London and Innsbruck and was selected in some public art exhibitions such as the 16th Salão de Arte Contemporânea de Guarulhos (2020), the Salão de Artes de Vinhedo (2021 and 2024) and the 19th Art Territory of Araraquara (2022). His research in art seeks to reflect on the volatility of our times, where concepts, perceptions and values are desmantled and rebuilt, at an almost uncontrollable speed. Today he is part of a group of artists and studios in the center of SP who seek to activate the region through art.
Academic education
2018- Master in Theoretical, Historical and Cultural Approaches to Art/ Unesp/IA/SP
2011 - Graduate in Art History/ FAAP/SP
1988 - Bachelor's degree from the School of Communications and Arts/ USP/SP
Courses and study groups
2024- 2022 - Group for Deepening Artistic Processes/ Orientation: Bianca Madruga/Eixo Arte/Niterói/RJ
2022 - Artistic Processes/ Orientation with Vilmar and Bianca Madruga. Art Axis/Niterói/RJ
2014 - Stencil: Monica Nador/ Oswald de Andrade Cultural Workshop.
2002 - Design: Sandra Cinto/ FAAP/ SP
2001 - Painting: Hidelbrando de Castro/MUBE/ SP
1986/87 - Drawing from observation: Carlos Alberto Fajardo/Artist's studio
1999 - Painting: Sérgio Romagnolo/MUBE/ SP
1999/2001- Painting: Paulo Pasta/ MUBE/ SP
1988 - Watercolor Norberto Stori/ MAM-SP
1999 - Encaustica : Vera Martins /MUBE/ SP
Solo Shows
2021 - Unmatrix Exhibition. Smith Gallery. New Zealand. 02/08 to 10/09/2021. Curator: Anne Smith.
2017 - Exhibition "Volatilismos in London: 4 Paintings by Virgilio Neves". K&M Chelsea, 515 Kings Road. London.
2016 - Exhibition Volatilismos. Vila Nova Gallery. 05/12 to 06/22/16. Curatorship: Bianca Boeckel.
2014 - Hypnoses Exhibition. Vila Nova Gallery. Curatorship: Bianca Boeckel.
Presential and online collective exhibitions
2024 - "Aqui" Artistic Collective Occupation - Proposition: Bianca Madruga. Coordination: Eixo Arte. UFF Art Institute Hall. Niterói/ RJ - 12/01 a 18/02
2023 - "Nó de nós exhibition" Artists from Galeria Eixo Reserva - Niterói/RJ - from 13/05 to 25/06
2023 - Online occupation "Avesso Zero" and face-to-face occupation "Avesso do Avesso". Coordination: Bianca Madruga/ Galeria Eixo Reserva - Niterói/RJ - from 12 to 29/01
2022 - "The body, the gesture, the memory" - Curatorship: Vilmar Madruga and Bianca Madruga / Eixo Reserva Gallery - Niterói/RJ - from 11/24/2022 to 01/08/2023
2022 - Drawings of the human body/Arttere Arte online platform/November
2022 - Collective of collages/Arttere Arte online platform/ September
2022 - Coletiva Eixo Arte 2022 - Plataforma Eixo Arte/ Niterói/ RJ - from February to May.
2021 - Imminence / Distance". Arttere Gallery. Curated by Diego Castro.
2020 - Art of Remembrance / parallel to SP/Arte/ Bianca Boeckel Galeria/ from 11/24 to 30.
2020 - Project "Artist speaks of artist"/ Bianca Boeckel Galeria. April 7 / instagram
2019 - 2nd Unesp/Institute of Arts Painting Festival. 9 to 16/03.
2018 - Collective Open Studio PO3TICAS 2018 - July 28, 2018.
2018 - Show Per Se. Vila Nova Gallery - 06/27 to 07/31/2018. Curator: Bianca Boeckel
2018 - 1st Unesp/Institute of Arts Painting Festival. Collective Exhibition. March 12th to 22nd
2014 - ART 117- Casa do Olhar Luiz Sacilloto/ Santo Andre/ Curatorship: Enock Sacramento.
2014 - Entreflores and Entre Linhas / Vila Nova Gallery / Curated by Bianca Boeckel.
2012 - Project Intimate Space/ Insbruck/ Austria/ “Art Project for the Olympic Games/ 2012” by Georgia Creimer.
2008 - Sketchbook Exhibition / Bookstore and Gallery POP/SP
2007 - 1st Exhibition of the POP/SP Bookstore and Gallery
2004 - Chapel Art Show/SP - Chapel School 2003 - Chapel Art Show/SP - Chapel School
2003 - 2nd Exhibition of MUBE/SP Ateliers 2002 - 1st Exhibition of MUBE's Ateliers/ SP/ Curatorship: Ricardo Rezende
Public notices and salons
2024 - SAV 2024 (Visual Arts Salon of Vinhedo). Vinhedo. SP/Brazil - 30/08 to 04/10
2022 - 19th Art Territory of Araraquara. Araraquara. SP/Brazil. From 08/05 to 05/06
2021 - 1st International Exhibition Between Wolf and Dog (UDESC). Florianopolis. SC/Brazil. 03/23 to 06/26
2020 - 16th National Salon of Contemporary Art of Guarulhos. Guarulhos. SP/Brazil - 12/06/2020 to 03/07/2021.
2020 - 25th Edition of the Visual Arts Salon of Vinhedo. Vinhedo. SP/Brazil - 09/28 to 10/25
2017 - Poesia Viva VIII/ 8th Unesp Visual Poetry Contest/ 1st Place Award for the body of work.
2017 - Exhibition of the Art Research Journey PPG/ Unesp/ 2nd International Edition
2004 - 1st Petit Format Salon/ Espaço C. P. da América Latina/ SP - selected artist/ 05/31 to 06/04.
Collections and donations
2016 - Painting "Gaia" (Hipnoses Series) donated to the São Paulo Association of Art Critics/SP/Brazil
2015 - Painting "Touro" (Hipnoses Series) created for the collection "Tauromaquia" by Marcelo Torres/ RJ
Other shows
2018 - Casa Cor Florianópolis/ Santa Catarina. 10/14 to 11/25
2018 - Casa Cor Itapema/ Santa Catarina. 06/06 to 07/22
2017 - Sierra Maison Exhibition/ Second Floor Project/ Architect Newton Lima. From April to May.
2016 - Show Kasa/Office Lindenbergh/ Showroom by Érica D'Avila. From 05/05 to 05/08
2005 - 1st Cow Parade /SP
2017 - Poesia Viva VIII Prize/ 8th Unesp Visual Poetry Contest/ 1st Place for the body of work.
2009 - Jabuti Prize for Literature/ 3rd Place in the Children's and Youth category/ Author: Letícia Wierzchowski. Illustration: Virgilio Neves.
2007 - Jabuti Prize for Literature/ Finalist in the Children's and Youth category/ Author: Letícia Wierzchowski. Illustration: Virgilio Neves.
2022 - Virtual catalog of the platform Eixo Arte/Niterói/RJ
2022 - Catalog of the 19th Art Territory of Araraquara with the work "A certain place nowhere"
2020 - Catalog of the 25th Art Salon of Vinhedo with the work "A Onda".
2016 - Virtual catalog of the 2016 APCA Auction with the work "Gaia".
2014 - Art Catalog 117/ Paintings and Collages/ Casa do Olhar Luiz Sacilotto/ Santo André/ 2014/ pg 87
2012 - The IntimateSpace Book by Georgia Creimer/ 2012/ Schlebrugge Editor / Austria/ pages 26, 31, 59
2005 - The Cow Parade Book SP/ 2005/ page 46 2002 - Catalog of the 1st Painting Exhibition/ MUBE/ 2002/ page 61
Publications, videos and interviews
2020 - Short documentary from the series Supernovas/ Glaucia Nogueira (Iandê - La Photographie Brésilienne à Paris)
2018 - Article in Ahead Magazine n. 4, 2018 - p. 14. Submerged Forms/ by Camila Balthazar.
2014 - Interview with Livia Debanné / Bamboo Magazine online/ 03/29/2014/ Exhibition "Hipnoses"
2014 - Interview with Alexandre Machado / Hipnoses Exhibition - Rádio Cultura - Program "De volta pra casa"
Other art activities
2022 - Mediation and analysis of artists' portfolios / Grupo O Olhar dos outros - Eixo Arte online platform - Organizers: Sara Figueiredo and Amanda Leite - Niterói/RJ